We love hearing from our community of parents and teachers who chose Little Pim to teach their little ones a new language.

Watch this video to hear what real moms have to say about Little Pim. We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!



“Little Pim is entertaining, engaging and funny, all while teaching children a second language. What more could a parent ask for?”

Being bilingual herself, Syma says it was important for her son Atticus to learn French because it gave her a leg up in school and her career and she wanted to give her son the same advantages. She gave Atticus Little Pim as a gift for his second birthday and has been thrilled to watch him learn.

“Atticus loves the animations of Little Pim and often asks to watch them again and again. He loves to yell the words he knows at the TV as they are spoken. I know Little Pim is working when Atti points to an object he knows and calls out its name in French.” –Parents of Atticus


“The total immersion approach used in the series is unlike any other language program available for children.”

Isabella can’t say enough about how well Little Pim’s videos captivate her 9-month-old daughter Violetta. She says the total immersion approach Little Pim uses keeps Violetta entertained for much longer than other educational videos she’s tried.

“The words and phrases taught through Little Pim are perfect. The music is light and unobtrusive, and the mix of bright animation and real people seems to captivate her in a way that I haven’t seen with any other language programs.” – Parents of Violetta


“It’s important that my child grows up bilingual. With the digital downloads, you can take these fun, entertaining videos anywhere.”

“Maximo is half South American, and it is important to us that he grows up bilingual, hearing the language day to day. Little Pim has been great as he watches fun, colorful videos while learning at the same time! They are now his favorite, which has been a lifesaver when traveling.

Since you can download the Little Pim videos, they are able to play any time, anywhere – in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania, mid melt-down in a restaurant. Even mom has increased her Spanish vocabulary thanks to Little Pim – you’re never too old for dancing pandas!” – Parents of Maximo

“Little Pim has helped our family in ways that I never would have imagined. I was given Little Pim as a gift while pregnant with my son. Early on, my son would scream virtually all day long. We tried all of the usual tricks like swaddling, swinging and Sesame Street, but nothing worked. One day, we turned on Little Pim in an act of desperation, and he immediately calmed. From a very young age, he was drawn to the colors and sounds of Little Pim. It honestly helped us get through that very difficult first year.

My son was later diagnosed with autism, and Little Pim has again been a support for us through that journey. He has a language delay, and Little Pim is a perfect tool for him to learn language at his own pace. I can’t say enough wonderful things about this DVD series for all learners, but certainly for those with ASD, it’s worth giving it a shot. For us, it has been a significant participant in developing my son’s self-regulation and language. Thank you, Little Pim!” – Parents of Cooper, age 2

“Whenever he goes to the drawer, I know that he wants Little Pim. He was very engaged from the first viewing.”

Joyce Shavers had trouble finding language learning programs for her 2-year-old son Xander, partly because she didn’t feel they were as suited to a child of his age. Until she found Little Pim. Her Xander has loved Little Pim since the first time he watched a video.

“We like the practical day to day vocabulary and the mixture of seeing real people along with the animation. It definitely seems like the most appropriate program for young children.”


"My son loves all of the Little Pim videos. I love the fact that he's excited to be learning Spanish without even realizing he's doing it." - Sarah F.

"Entertaining and educational for kids. My kids like it and beg to watch it often!" - Amazon Customer

"This is an amazing program and video series! Best I've seen! It has plenty of quality material and keeps my 2, 3, 5 year olds all entertained and focused for the whole duration! Even my 3 year old is repeating the words and learning the meanings! I love it!!! - Z.M.

"Brilliant method of teaching Spanish. It is especially appropriate for toddlers who are learning vocabulary while trying to form their first sentences. All sentences are in the present tense and reflect everyday activities that the little ones likely do. The vocabulary is scaffolded, reinforced and opportunities are given for practice. There are few and focused screen transitions that ease my mind..." - Amazon Customer

"We love these videos. I'm raising a bilingual kid so this is great for learning some vocabulary and it's really engaging. Five Stars!" - E. George

"Mommy Approved! My 13 month old daughter loves this! And she tries to repeat everything. Even when she's not watching it she's repeating things like trying to count." - Natali

"My 4-year-old loves this series. We are all learning some French! Little Pim is a cute panda and the video includes both animated skits with Pim and friends and pictures/videos of real people and things. There is enough repetition to aid in learning and the narrative is clear and easy to follow. The entire video is in French for a good immersive experience for ages toddler to adult." Amazon Customer

"I’ve been showing my daughter Little Pim French videos since she was 6 months old, she is now 2.5 and she has begun speaking French! We also practice with her at home and we love learning with Little Pim!" - A. Ripley

"Great program for "immersion" learning! Children are able to learn a second language in the same way they learned their first! Though it's geared toward younger children, my ten year old is learning a lot by watching the episodes." -Auntie Lu

"I am French and live in the USA. I was blessed with twins, a boy and a girl. As everything is in English around them, I was concerned about the right approach to teach them my maternal language. Little Pim facilitated this and is now a superstar in our home. Our twins have the stuffed Little Pim Panda and speak French as well as English." - Bruno C.

"We have been watching the series of 6 Little Pim videos with our baby girl since she was about 12 months old. She is now 15 months. She is still completely captivated by the videos and has watched them over and over. Pimsleur is one of the most respected names in language training and Julia Pimsleur-Levine carries on the family tradition with these videos. I think these videos are an excellent way to build vocabulary." - Robert

"So I speak French and love this beautiful language. My son just turned 3 and has always cried "noooooo!" whenever I've tried to speak with/teach him in French. We heard about Little Pim and so turned on this episode to see what it's all about. Two days later he voluntarily counted to ten IN FRENCH. And when I responded, he wanted to repeat what I was saying and learn what my words meant. Wow! Now we have seen a few of the episodes and are speaking more French at home. Bravo! He likes the characters, engages with them, and laughs at their little vignettes. I like that the episodes are short but informative without being annoying or "dumbed down". Also, the words are great foundational vocabulary for a toddler/preschool age group." - Mary

"My little one seems to enjoy these videos and most importantly is picking up French! She's using phrases that she learned from these videos and has only watched them a few times." - Leslie S.


Educators praise Little Pim for its popularity with children and effectiveness in the classroom.
Check out some of the letters we’ve received from real teachers about how Little Pim fits into their curriculum.


“As a French teacher, it’s always been important to pass on bilingual skills to my children. But since I didn’t grow up in a bilingual setting myself, I wasn’t sure exactly how to do that. When I learned about Little Pim and how they use the same methods that kids acquire their first language to acquire their new language, I knew this would be a great fit for our family. It’s a part of our homeschool routine and my kids LOVE watching the videos and throwing around their French skills.” – Leah Heffner, French teacher & Homeschool mom, Tennessee

“The narration is clear, crisp, and easy-to-understand; the music is cheerful but not overpowering; and the visuals are colorful and vibrant.” – Denise A. Garofalo, Astor Learning Center, Rhinebeck, NY

“The students enjoy the character of Little Pim and look forward to seeing him.” – Joshua Cabral, Member of the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association

“The Little Pim series is one of the more professionally constructed and executed approaches to the total immersion method of language instruction.” – Ann Welton, Helen B. Stafford Elementary, Tacoma, WA